Before and after photo of treatment with cosmetic injectables (Botox).
Before and After: Treatment with Cosmetic Injectables (Botox)

Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are all cosmetic injectables that help get rid of (or soften) dynamic wrinkles (wrinkles caused by repetitive movement and facial expressions). All of these injectables are the same price and tend to also last the same amount of time— 3 to 4 months on average. So now, let’s break down the differences. 

Each one of these neuromodulators are made by a different manufacturer. Botox has been around the longest, so the term ‘Botox’ is more familiar to people which is why many individuals initially tend to gravitate towards it versus the other neuromodulators. Botox takes an average of 3-7 days to begin kicking in. 

Xeomin is “Botox” in its most natural form. Xeomin does not have all of the additional accessory proteins in it when compared to the other neuromodulators. With that being said, because Xeomin does not have the extra additives, it takes the longest out of all of the neuromodulators to start kicking in. One stellar benefit of Xeomin is that you cannot build up a tolerance to it like you can with the other neuromodulators. 

Dysport has the quickest onset of action and begins to kick in the fastest when compared to Botox and Xeomin. I want to also mention that with my real-life experience injecting all of these neuromodulators, my patients are finding that their results from Dysport are actually lasting longer than their results from having tried Botox and Xeomin. And of course, they like that their Dysport kicks in fast.

No matter the name, all of these products help with dynamic facial wrinkles. Also, each person is different, some find that one neuromodulator works better for them over another. The only way to really find out if one neuromodulator works better for you, is to experiment around with one of the others the next time you go to get your toxin ‘touch-up.’ Align carries all three neuromodulators, so anytime you feel like switching it up, come on in and see us! You can also find us and more of our before and after photos on our social media pages (FB, IG, Twitter).

  • 918-407-9058
  • Tulsa, OK