Real life patient; BEFORE & AFTER Under-Eye Filler Treatment.
Under-eye filler AKA ‘tear trough filler’ can have one of the most gratifying results. Filler placed in this area can camouflage those dark under-eye circles that stick out like a sore thumb. Most patients who come into our clinic describe their under-eye area as making them appear “tired” and/or “sick.” Many patients even recall having these dark circles present when they were young children. Some of our patients that come in aren’t necessarily bothered by the darkness under their eyes but rather they are bothered by the “hollowing” that is present in their under-eye area. Hollowing presents as a ‘sunken’ appearance. Dermal filler placed in the tear trough can fill in that hollowing, thus making the area appear less concave (sunken). Then we have other patients who are bothered by both dark under-eye circles and hollowing, and filler placed in the under-eye area will help with both. It is important to note that filler in this area does not help with hyperpigmentation. If you do have any kind of hyperpigmented brown spots/sunspots/melasma in the under-eye area, filler will not help this issue–instead you would need to consistently use a cream that contains Hydroquinone. You can purchase this product over the counter however it is not as potent as would be if you were to get a prescription for the cream from a qualified healthcare provider.
It is important to keep in mind that not everyone is a candidate for tear trough filler treatment. If you are someone who already deals with random intermittent swelling/edema in the under-eye area that comes and goes throughout the day randomly, you would not be a candidate for under eye filler– as filler itself attracts water and so placing under-eye filler in these individuals would lead to significant and prolonged swelling/edema/puffiness in the under-eye area. Also, patients who have extremely ‘loose’ skin would not be a good candidate for under-eye filler.
A consultation with our Nurse Practitioner can help determine whether you are a good candidate or not. It is also imperative to have the correct expectations in mind for this procedure. Due to the delicacy of this area, along with several other factors, 100% resolution of under-eye bags is NOT possible! One should never expect a full correction in this area. Depending on the specific individual, you can expect a 60% to 90% resolution of your dark circles/under-eye area after having under-eye filler treatment. The amount of filler needed for this treatment also varies upon each individual, but on average, patients should plan to budget for 1-2 syringes of dermal filler.
The procedure itself is close to painless. Our Nurse Practitioner does not use a sharp needle under the eye, rather she uses a blunt tip (not sharp) cannula that she guides up to the under-eye area, where she then deposits the filler. Doing it this way is much more comfortable for patients, it also leaves patients with no bruising, and furthermore, using a cannula for this treatment is ultimately safer than using a sharp needle. After receiving under-eye filler treatment, the under-eye area will have the smallest amount of swelling, this swelling is something that generally only the patient themselves will notice, and that small amount of swelling only lasts 1-2 days. Some of our patients have also explained to us that they didn’t swell at all! Results from tear trough filler generally lasts 9-12 months, and our Nurse Practitioner recommends getting a “touch up” every 6-9 months if you are wanting to maintain your under eye filler results.
If you would like to learn more about this specific treatment or if you would like to learn more about any other cosmetic injectable treatments that we offer, give us a call or message us on our social media pages and we will get you set up for a consultation with our Nurse Practitioner who is also the injector!
xoxo ~Align Injectable Aesthetics
Tulsa, OK