Eliminate double chin
Kybella® is the first and only cosmetic injection available to specifically treat and eliminate submental fullness, also known as double-chin. Thanks to genetics, some people have extra fullness below their chin their entire life. In other cases, weight gain and aging can cause it to develop over time.
Either way, if you’re bothered by a double-chin, you’re not alone. In a survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, it was reported that 67% of the people they polled were bothered by their double-chin.
Unfortunately, many people think the only solution for submental fullness is surgery and for years, it was! But now, there is Kybella® and Agnes RF! With a few non-surgical office visits, you can start watching your double-chin disappear!
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What to Expect
Like everything else at Align, it all starts with a thorough consultation! We’ll talk about your goals and your desired profile, then we’ll help you determine if Kybella® is the right solution or if we should talk alternatives, like Agnes RF.
Kybella® works to destroy the fat cells below your chin. With that said, those cells are no longer able to store and accumulate fat SO once you achieve your desired result, it should last a lifetime.
If Kybella® is right for you, we’ll create a treatment plan to acheive your desired results.
Kybella® requires a series of treatments but many clients notice an improvement in as little as 2 treatments. The amount and distribution of your submental fullness will determine how many treatments you need overall and it will play a role in how quickly you see results.
Results from Kybella®
Once you decide to move forward with Kybella®, your first appointment should take less than a half hour. At each treatment session, you’ll receive a few small injections throughout the area we’re targeting.
After we’re done, you may experience some swelling and/or bruising at the injection site so it might be a good idea to give yourself some time before returning to your normal day to day schedule.

Other Uses for Kybella®
Kybella® can also treat jowls and bra-fat. Even with diet and exercise, both of these areas can be stubborn and difficult to eliminate. Kybella® is the perfect non-surgical solution to eliminate unwanted fat in these areas.
Answers Our Most Common FAQs
Is Kybella® recommended for use on everyone?
In general, Kybella® is safe to use on adults experiencing submental fullness. However, you shouldn’t get a Kybella® treatment if you:
- Have an infection in or near the treatment area.
- Plan to have surgery on your face, neck or chin.
- Have trouble swallowing.
- Have bleeding problems
For women, if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, we recommend waiting until after you have a baby and are finished breast feeding as there isn’t enough information on how it impacts unborn babies and Kybella® can pass through you through your breast milk.
What are the possible side effects of Kybella®?
From Kybella’s website:
Kybella® can cause serious side effects, including:
- Nerve injury in the jaw (which can cause an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness)
- Trouble swallowing
- Injection site problems including bruising, hair loss, open sores (ulcers), damage and tissue cell-death (necrosis) around the injection site. Call your healthcare provider if you develop open sores or drainage from the treatment area
The most common side effects of KYBELLA® include swelling, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness in the treatment area. These are not all of the possible side effects of KYBELLA®. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects To learn more, visit KYBELLA’s site.
If I gain weight after my Kybella® treatment will my double chin come back?
For optimal results, we recommend you maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise after your treatments. There is always the potential for a double-chin to appear after weight gain. That said, Kybella® is very effective at removing fat cells from under the chin which may prevent a double-chin from coming back, but there’s no guarantee, especially if you gain weight.