The photo labels each part of the face that the blog post is talking about.
Dermal Filler Treatment Areas on the Face

Dermal fillers have come a very long way. Not only are there more technologically advanced fillers out there on the market today, but treatment areas that can be augmented with filler have also expanded. Next, I am going to list some specific areas where filler can be injected in order to create a more beautiful and youthful appearance. 

*Lips- Of course we will start off by mentioning the lips. Most of you are aware of lip filler injections. For those of you who do not yet know, filler can be placed in the lips to add shape, volume, or both! The amount of filler usually needed per treatment is 1 syringe (1ml). Depending on the look the person is trying to achieve, many individuals usually come back to get a 2ndsyringe in their lips. And it would not be uncommon for an individual to go up to 3 syringes in the lips. On average, results last 9 to 12 months.

*Downturned Corners of the Mouth- As we age, many of us deal with the problem of the corners of our mouth turning downwards (‘sad face’). Filler can be placed in a strategic way to get those corners to turn back to either being horizontal, or upwards. The amount of filler needed depends on the specific individual and their anatomy, along with the severity of the downturned corners, but on average, one should budget for 1-2 syringes of filler. Also, it is very common for patients to buy additional filler while getting the corners of their mouth augmented, so that they can also have their marionette lines (lines that go from corners of mouth down to chin) augmented at the same time. On average results lasts up to 1 year, sometimes longer. 

*Cheeks- Adding filler to the cheeks has become one of the most popular filler treatments over the last couple of years. Cheek filler replaces mid-face volume loss—which all of us women will end up experiencing. Not only does it help with volume loss, but it also softens under-eye bags (but doesn’t completely alleviate them). Cheek filler also makes the nasolabial folds (the lines that run from each side of our nose, down to the corners of our mouth) less apparent and gives a little bit of lift to the lower face (jowls and jawline). The amount of filler needed varies upon the individual but usually anywhere from 2-4 syringes of filler is needed. Depending on the specific filler used during augmentation, cheek filler lasts 1 to 2.5 years. 

*Under-eye (aka Tear Trough)- Ever get tired of looking tired?? LOL. Filler can be placed in the under-eye area to get rid of those dark circles/under-eye bags. It is important to keep in mind that not everyone is a candidate for this treatment. A consultation with our Nurse Practitioner can help determine whether you are a candidate or not. It is also imperative to keep the right expectations. Due to the delicacy of this area, along with several other factors, 100% resolution of under-eye bags is impossible. Depending on the specific individual, you can expect a 70-90% resolution of your dark circles/undereye area after having undereye treatment. Also keep in mind that this treatment does NOT help with hyperpigmentation under the eye. Our Nurse Practitioner also does this procedure in a specific way to where there is no bruising (and no downtime), so you can get back to work and back to your life without someone asking you why you have black eyes. For the entire month of July, this treatment costs only $750, get it before the price goes back up next month. Results last 9-12 months, sometimes longer. 

*Marionette Lines- Marionette lines are the lines that go from the corners of our mouth down to the chin area. These can be a dead giveaway to our advancing age. But have no fear, as filler can be used to augment these lines/folds. Cheek filler also helps to lift and soften these lines. Marionette lines can be stubborn, so expect some bruising. The amount of filler needed, as with everything, is dependent upon the specific individual. On average, one should plan to budget for 1.5 to 3 syringes of filler. Results lasts about 1 year, and sometimes longer. 

*Nasolabial Folds- These are the lines that go from both sides of the nose down to the corners of the mouth. Filler can be placed in these lines to soften them. However, it is VERY important that one considers the culprit of the problem—which is midface (cheek area) volume loss! For that reason, you are going to get the BETTER results when you FIRST restore volume in the midface (which also gives a lift to the areas below the cheeks). After replacing volume in the midface, one may not even need filler in the nasolabial fold area anymore. If one does still need filler in this area, even after replacing midface volume loss, the amount needed to augment the nasolabial folds becomes a much lesser amount. Depending on the specific individual, plan to budget for 1-2 syringes of filler for the nasolabial folds. 

*Jawline/Angle of Jaw- Another area that is gaining a ton of popularity this year is jawline filler. Men can get jawline filler to get a more “manly” appearance. Filler can be placed along the jawline in men to get a more chiseled jawline. Jawline filler in a woman is placed a little different since women are not necessarily wanting to achieve the same ‘look’ as men. In women, filler in this area can help to TIGHTEN and reshape the jawline for a more youthful appearance. As women age, many of us end up losing the definition along our jawline—there is no transition from our face to our neck/double-chin. Jawline filler can replace a ‘jawline’ that no longer appears to be there thus restoring the youthful-appearing transition from our face to our neck. Also, when women age, they tend to experience the formation of jowls along the jawline, making their jawline appear uneven and messy –this is also a dead giveaway to our advancing age. Jawline filler can be used to restore a more youthful jawline and make it appear more ‘even.’ Jawline filler can also help to make a double chin look less apparent while simultaneously giving the face a slimmer appearance. The majority of the time, jawline filler is done in combination with chin filler and prejowl sulcus filler, as these areas are an extension of the jawline. The amount of filler depends on the individual, but plan to budget for 4-5 syringes.

*Prejowl Sulcus- Many individuals with age will get prejowl sulcus. These are the dents (indentations) on both sides of the chin (and right in front of the jowls). Filling in these dents with filler makes jowls less apparent and contributes to a more even and youthful lower face/jawline. On average the amount of filler needed for this area is 2-4 syringes depending on the specific individual. 

*Chin & Mental Crease– Chin augmentation can literally transform a person’s entire face. If the chin needs to be longer to harmonize facial balance, filler can be placed to do just that. Also, if you are someone who suffers from a recessed chin (one that sets backwards), filler can also be used to fix this issue as well. If you have a dimple in your chin, filler can also be placed here to get rid of that dimple. Also, if you want a dimple in your chin, filler can be placed in a way to give you just that. The mental crease is that horizontal line across the chin that deepens with age. Filler can be placed in that line to make it less apparent. The amount of filler needed to augment the chin varies on the individual but on average, 2 to 4.5 syringes of filler are needed.

*Temples- With age, many women experience volume loss in the temples. Filler can be placed in this area to restore youthfulness. 1-3 syringes of filler are typically needed. 

*Hands– Aging hands is a telltale sign of advancing age. Filler can be injected into the hands to make them appear more hydrated and youthful! Plan to budget for about 1-2 syringes of filler. 

*Loose/Stretched Earring Holes- For anyone who has stretched out earring holes, filler can be placed to create a tight and non-droopy earring hole. 

If you would like to learn more about our dermal filler treatments you can give us a call to setup your complimentary consultation with our expert Nurse Practitioner!

xoxo ~Align Injectable Aesthetics


Tulsa, OK