In today’s world, mostly every adult has heard about some kind of non-surgical aesthetic treatment/procedure (Botox, filler, Kybella etc.). And it seems like it was just yesterday that treatments such as these were viewed as being shallow, and individuals who received these treatments felt a strong need to keep their self-care treatments a secret, because of the negative stigma that was falsely placed upon them. The idea that people get these procedures solely for a better outer/physical appearance, or because they are compensating for other areas in their life where they lack, could not be farther from the truth! Now, that is not to say that there aren’t people out there in the world that are in fact shallow, vain, and actually do depend entirely on their physical appearance to get by in life, however, this is a small minority. We should never let a few “bad apples” ruin it for the rest of us. 

Whether we want to admit it or not, physical appearance does indeed play a role in many different aspects of an individual’s life. In today’s world, the majority of individuals receiving these treatments, view them as a way in which they can care for, and honor their being! In other words, these treatments are a form of self-care, and contribute to an individual’s overall wellness. Also, did you know that recent studies have shown that Botox actually increases happiness in those who receive these treatments?! Who wouldn’t want that!?

Many of our patients get these procedures only after they have put in the consistent inner work, thus finding inner happiness. Once we have a better understanding of who we are, and what we value in life, we can then gain happiness that is not dependent on outside circumstances or other people.  And once we find inner happiness, we begin to nurture and care for ourselves in a different way, a better way. When we begin to truly love ourselves (much like we do others), we begin to make conscious efforts to invest in ourselves. 

Self-care is not selfish. We tend to run ourselves ragged, getting so consumed with work, school, deadlines, responsibilities, caring for our children, looking out for our loved ones, etc. Taking the time to care for ourselves, only ensures that we are in top-notch shape to properly care for our loved ones, thus never putting them in our similar situation -running ragged. The procedures that Align offers are meant to contribute to an individual’s inner happiness and confidence, so that these individuals can go out into the world and produce better results. Because let’s face it, when we look better, we feel better, which allows us to produce better in our lives!